510 research outputs found

    Multiplicity of the Galactic Senior Citizens: A high-resolution search for cool subdwarf companions

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    Cool subdwarfs are the oldest members of the low mass stellar population. Mostly present in the galactic halo, subdwarfs are characterized by their low metallicity. Measuring their binary fraction and comparing it to solar metallicity stars could give key insights into the star formation process early in the history of the Milky Way. However, because of their low luminosity and relative rarity in the solar neighborhood, binarity surveys of cool subdwarfs have suffered from small sample sizes and incompleteness. Previous surveys have suggested that the binary fraction of red subdwarfs is much lower than for their main sequence cousins. Using the highly efficient RoboAO system, we present the largest yet high-resolution survey of subdwarfs, sensitive to angular separations, down to 0.15 arcsec, and contrast ratios, up to 6 magnitude difference, invisible in past surveys. Of 344 target cool subdwarfs, 40 are in multiple systems, 16 newly discovered, for a binary fraction of 11.6 percent and 1.8 percent error. We also discovered 6 triple star systems for a triplet fraction of 1.7 percent and 0.7 percent error. Comparisons to similar surveys of solar metallicity dwarf stars gives a 3 sigma disparity in luminosity between companion stars, with subdwarfs displaying a shortage of low contrast companions.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Ap

    Twelve-thousand laser-AO observations: first results from the Robo-AO large surveys

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    Robo-AO is the first AO system which can feasibly perform surveys of thousands of targets. The system has been operating in a fully robotic mode on the Palomar 1.5m telescope for almost two years. Robo-AO has completed nearly 12,000 high-angular-resolution observations in almost 20 separate science programs including exoplanet characterization, field star binarity, young star binarity and solar system observations. We summarize the Robo-AO surveys and the observations completed to date. We also describe the data-reduction pipeline we developed for Robo-AO—the first fully-automated AO data-reduction, point-spread-function subtraction and companion-search pipeline

    Observations of Hierarchical Solar-Type Multiple Star Systems

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    Twenty multiple stellar systems with solar-type primaries were observed at high angular resolution using the PALM-3000 adaptive optics system at the 5 m Hale telescope. The goal was to complement the knowledge of hierarchical multiplicity in the solar neighborhood by confirming recent discoveries by the visible Robo-AO system with new near-infrared observations with PALM-3000. The physical status of most, but not all, of the new pairs is confirmed by photometry in the Ks band and new positional measurements. In addition, we resolved for the first time five close sub-systems: the known astrometric binary in HIP 17129AB, companions to the primaries of HIP 33555, and HIP 118213, and the companions to the secondaries in HIP 25300 and HIP 101430. We place the components on a color-magnitude diagram and discuss each multiple system individually.Comment: Accepted to Astronomical Journa

    Robo-AO Discovery and Basic Characterization of Wide Multiple Star Systems in the Pleiades, Praesepe, and NGC 2264 Clusters

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    We identify and roughly characterize 66 candidate binary star systems in the Pleiades, Praesepe, and NGC 2264 star clusters based on robotic adaptive optics imaging data obtained using Robo-AO at the Palomar 60" telescope. Only ∼\sim10% of our imaged pairs were previously known. We detect companions at red optical wavelengths having physical separations ranging from a few tens to a few thousand AU. A 3-sigma contrast curve generated for each final image provides upper limits to the brightness ratios for any undetected putative companions. The observations are sensitive to companions with maximum contrast ∼\sim6m^m at larger separations. At smaller separations, the mean (best) raw contrast at 2 arcsec is 3.8m^m (6m^m), at 1 arcsec is 3.0m^m (4.5m^m), and at 0.5 arcsec is 1.9m^m (3m^m). PSF subtraction can recover close to the full contrast in to the closer separations. For detected candidate binary pairs, we report separations, position angles, and relative magnitudes. Theoretical isochrones appropriate to the Pleiades and Praesepe clusters are then used to determine the corresponding binary mass ratios, which range from 0.2-0.9 in q=m2/m1q=m_2/m_1. For our sample of roughly solar-mass (FGK type) stars in NGC 2264 and sub-solar-mass (K and early M-type) primaries in the Pleiades and Praesepe, the overall binary frequency is measured at ∼\sim15.5% ±\pm 2%. However, this value should be considered a lower limit to the true binary fraction within the specified separation and mass ratio ranges in these clusters, given that complex and uncertain corrections for sensitivity and completeness have not been applied.Comment: Accepted to A

    Know the Star, Know the Planet. III. Discovery of Late-Type Companions to Two Exoplanet Host Stars

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    We discuss two multiple star systems that host known exoplanets: HD 2638 and 30 Ari B. Adaptive optics imagery revealed an additional stellar companion to both stars. We collected multi-epoch images of the systems with Robo-AO and the PALM-3000 adaptive optics systems at Palomar Observatory and provide relative photometry and astrometry. The astrometry indicates that the companions share common proper motion with their respective primaries. Both of the new companions have projected separations less than 30 AU from the exoplanet host star. Using the projected separations to compute orbital periods of the new stellar companions, HD 2638 has a period of 130 yrs and 30 Ari B has a period of 80 years. Previous studies have shown that the true period is most likely within a factor of three of these estimated values. The additional component to the 30 Ari makes it the second confirmed quadruple system known to host an exoplanet. HD 2638 hosts a hot Jupiter and the discovery of a new companion strengthens the connection between hot Jupiters and binary stars. We place the systems on a color-magnitude diagram and derive masses for the companions which turn out to be roughly 0.5 solar mass stars.Comment: Accepted to Astronomical Journal, 16 pages, 5 Figure

    Open questions in site characterization and turbulence parameter measurements

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    With the development of increasingly larger and more complex telescopes and instrumentation, site testing and characterization efforts also increase in both magnitude and complexity. This happens because the investment into larger observatories is higher and because new technologies, such as adaptive optics, require knowledge about parameters that did not matter previously, such as the vertical distribution of turbulence. We present examples of remaining questions which, to date, are not generally addressed by "standard" site characterization efforts, either because they are technically not (yet) feasible or because they are impractical. We center our observations around the experience gained during the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) site testing effort with an emphasis on turbulence measurements, but our findings are applicable in general to other current and future projects as well

    The Thirty Meter Telescope site testing robotic computer system

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    The Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) project is currently testing six remote sites as candidates for the final location of the telescope. Each site has several instruments, including seeing monitors, weather stations, and turbulence profile measuring systems, each of which is computer controlled. As the sites are remote (usually hours from the nearest town), they requires a system that can control the operations of all the varied subsystems, keep the systems safe from damage and recover from errors during operation. The robotic system must also be robust enough to operate without human intervention and when internet connections are lost. It is also critical that a data archiving system diligently records all data as gathered. This paper is a discussion of the TMT site testing robotic computer system as implemented
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